Founded in 2018, the mission of the Foundation for Abilities First NY is to garner the financial resources necessary to meet the programmatic interests and to assure the sustainability of the mission of Abilities First, Inc. FAFNY will establish a stable commitment of philanthropic support, to assure the programs, services, and quality of life opportunities remain strong and available, as well as ensure the organization’s fiscal resiliency during unexpected changes.

FAFNY is a 501(c)(3) nonprofict organization that provides services to enrich the lives of children and adults in our communities. Our Federal ID number is 83-3116304.

All required state and federal forms, documents and financial statements are available upon request. Please contact 845-485-9805.

FAFNY Leadership

Jeffery Fox, Ph.D.

President & Chief Executive Officer

JoAnn Parker, CFRE

Director of Development

Marcy Handler, MBA

Director of Strategic Initiatives

FAFNY Board Leadership

Carla Alfieri

Orange Bank & Trust Company

Amy L. Bombardieri

Day and Stokosa Engineering

Marlo De La Rosa


National Grid

John Farina

Central Hudson Gas & Electric

Jacob Friedman

Focused Wealth Management

Joshua Mackey

Mackey, Butts & Whalen LLP

Michael Mazzuca

TEG Federal Credit Union

Brianna McKee


David Melby


Anthony Morando, Esq.

Vice Chair

Cuddy & Feder LLP

Michael Pine


thinkWealth, LLC

Pete Setaro


Rennia Engineering Design

Michelle Smith

Savant Wealth Management

Foundation for Abilities First NY